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6FYDT-120 Corn grinding mill

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6FYDT-120 Corn grinding mill
Technical Parameters
Installation type: Steel structure Power: 319 Kw
Workshop Size: 40*10*8 Meter

    120 Tons / 24 Hours Corn grinding mill

    This type Corn grinding mill is steel structure installation type, raw grain can be yellow and white corns, final products will be corn flour, corn grits, embryo,animal fodder . Low fat Corn grinding mill will be your advantages in your market, for the embryo, you can extract high precision corn oil. This type corn grinding mill can process maize corn into different final products you want : 

    corn flour

    Product details of Corn grinding mill  :

    1. Cleaning section:

    Vibrating sieve: 
    To remove small and large impurities by horizontal and vertical slinking movement.
    Air Channel:
    It is used after separator and horizontal scourer. Cleaning by the air flow .

    high vibrating sieve
    Magnetic separator / Drum tube: They are mainly used to separate the magnetic metal impurities from the material used to purify metal materials from dust or granular products. Through to high magnetic power, It can catch to small metal things such as balls of bearings. It does not consume energy due to natural magnet.
    Scourer: It's very important condition for the decreasing of ash content and increasing of high quality flour to remove the final vestiges of dust, bread, crease dirt and any other surface dirt .
    wheat scourer
    Plane revolving sieve: After scourer, we need Classify. It separate large impurities (such as stones earth lumps, straws, paper) and smaller impurities (loose earth, smaller seeds) from wheat by mean of plane motion of sieve box .
    plan revolving sifter
    Gravity Classifier Destoner: to remove the stone and other same impurities.
    Gravity selector
    Dampener / Dampening mixer: Angled intensive dampener 
    Dampener (2)
    This machine is used for flour and semolina production plant provides fast wetting for grain by water, saving dampening time. The rotor consists of steel pallets. It is the effective equipment for cleaning of grain from glumes, because of the fact that the grain is moving on in machine as squeezed
    1.Keep complete bran: Remove the Endosperm from the bran.
                       Guarantee the flour quality and improve the flour extraction rate .
                     2. Easy milling: After water in the endosperm increases, its strength is reduced, moving the grinding consumption decreased and endosperm easily pulverized into a powder.
                     3. Easy separation: the bonding force between the bran and endosperm weakened, easy separation of the bran and endosperm

    2. Milling Sifting section in Corn grinding mill :

    Grinding the corn into flour, grits, meal different micron according to customers' requirement.

    Also we adopt the sifter ro classification and grading the flour .

    120 ton Roller Mill

    3. Weight Packing section:

    We adopt 10-25 kg / bag or 25-50 kg / bag for final product packages.

    Automatic weighing packaging machine

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